Sunday, 30 September 2012


The commonly used available scales for measurement of socio-economic status (SES) with some cross regional applicability are old and have lost their relevance. There is a need for the development of a valid and reliable instrument for measurement of SES in rural and urban communities in India. The present study was undertaken to develop a cross regionally applicable scale for the purpose of enlisting true measures of socio-economic items applicable in multilingual, multicultural, multi religious, setting of the country. For developing the scale, 10 components presumably determining the socioeconomic status were selected. These indicators were named as profiles. The final version of the scale was arrived at through two trial administrations on rural and urban families. The basis of selection of the families for the two trials was stratified random. The validity and reliability of the scale was established through defined test-retest methods. Both the initial version as well as the final version of the scale for the measurement of SES of incumbents had ten components. The difference between the two versions was in terms of contents and range of items in different categories of SES. The final version was arrived at through field trials and suggestions of the experts. The reliability of the scale was high with a correlation coefficient.

Nehaben Dahyabhai Thakkr
Christian College of Education, Anand, Gujarat.

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