Saturday, 5 May 2012


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a new term. Corporate Social Responsibility has changed a lot from its initial acceptance as a concept/practice given by Dell Carnegie, where it was just about contributing towards the society. In its evolution it has gone through a lot of changes, in terms of the way it is practiced from simply giving donations to employee oriented mechanisms like employee volunteerism. Today CSR acts as important tool for organisation just as to engage creating positive brand about themselves, but has got direct impact on the way the important stakeholder , employees react ti it. Employee volunteerism is a new way organisations are trying to engage the psotive aspects of employee, but as the profit maximising nature of any firm in business, there are benefits for the organisation as well in terms of various Humn Resource aspects. The paper deals in Employee Volunteerism as a concept and its implications for both Employees and the employer. The paper is based on the literature aviable on the subject and includes some examples which are drving the re way through this new mechanism of CSR.
Key Words Corporate social Responsibility, Volunteerism, Employees, Benefits.
By Siddhartha Saxena and Priyanka Prempuri
(Full article is published in Voice of Research-An International Journal)

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